UBS International operates in- and from multiple regions. UBS’ headquarter is located in Utrecht, the Netherlands (EU).  UBS International operates primarily in the middle east (UAE) and the ASEAN region. We offer knowhow and develop skills in order to enhance (future) managers and (future) business leaders. Furthermore, we offer business value creation services globally in order to help organizations increasing their value via our segmented activities.

Mission and vision

UBS International is the organization you approach in order to realize substantial value on all business related domains/levels. We are an international value creation hub for entrepreneurs and organizational professionals who would like to utilize global opportunities in order to increase value substantially.

Educational Services

UBS International offers a wide range of degree and non-degree programs and program formats for both individual participants and organizations. We cover disciplines  such as Business Development, Procurement Management, (S)HRM, Change Management, Business Management Studies, Accounting, Finance & Control, Data Management, IT Management to name a few.   Over 80 programs are offered through our labels at several levels (MBA, Masters, Advanced and other post-initial levels). In addition, most programs are available as tailor-made programs as well on both individual and organizational (Incompany) level as well.

Business Value Creation Services

Substantial value creation can be realized when you take the necessary steps at a given time. When ready to do so, our value creation advisors are here to help you and are able to conduct  cost savings, turnover growth, process optimization and/or yield increase for example. Our value creation service relates to your (business) organization as a whole or to a specific part, depending on your objective(s) and the related challenge(s).

Our surplus value

Our value creation team enables (business) organizations and professionals to operate to their full potential by consistently and integrally leveraging value-enhancing opportunities to achieve sustainable value growth. We accomplish this by applying our proven leverage methods in various business areas. The latter we do by analyzing your situation -free of charge- from multiple perspectives and translating it into concrete, workable and measurable solutions aimed at sustainable value increase. We do this in particular by teaching/supporting organizations to operate in a sustainable financial-economic way. Through our largely “no cure, no pay” services, we ensure significant and sustainable value creation.

How do we realize substantial value ?

Our value creation team leverages multiple disciplines, and related activities, to enable significant value creation. We serve your organization with knowledge, expertise and capital through a number of specialized entities

1. We offer knowledge/knowhow via entities such as:

  • UBSI: an academic institute that produces and integrates scientific knowledge into educational programs offered by all labels for our (future) business leaders;
  • UBS: A Dutch Business School that offers over 80 business programs with practical business knowledge for executive managers.

2. We develop skills via entities such as:

  • UBAS: An advisory service with a strong focus on implementing and conducting sustainable financial-economic policies in (business) organizations;
  • UBSA: An incubator service helping start-ups with needed knowledge, skills and capital in order to scale-up swiftly.

3. We provide capital trough the following entities:

  • UBIF: An investment fund which provides risk capital to SMEs companies and institutions;
  • UBF: A service that intermediates and advises in the field of financing and/or (interest) cost reduction;
  • UBFTAX: A service that supports (business) organization in optimizing or reducing tax;
  • UBSCC: A procurement collective in the field of education procurement in order to reduce procurement costs substantially.

Our approach

We usually start with an introductory meeting in which needs are explored, business challenges are discussed and  we get to know your organization. If there is mutual understanding, we will take the next step by offering  you an improvement scan. The outcome of the improvement scan might lead to a follow-up trajectory. We take your interests into account in our approach. This is consequently shown, for example, in pricing, payment structures, risk distribution, contracts and expectations. Our approach is as follows:

1.Introductory meeting (free of charge)

During the introductory meeting. we get to know you and your organization. We also will be discussing several topics in order to conclude if a improvement scan is of surplus value. The next step is a thorough analysis (improvement scan).

2. Improvement Scan

Conducting the improvement scan. The improvement scan will entail an integral analysis of your organization.
The scan will focus on elements on strategic, tactical and operational level and related processes. The scan will result in solutions on both short term and long term.  You will receive an improvement/value increase proposal within a week after finalizing the improvement scan. 

3. Value creation

After approving the value increasement proposal,  our team will implement the value-increasing opportunities within your organization within the agreed time frame. Due to our broad knowledge and experience, we can usually realize sustainable value increase within your company promptly. Monitoring and  adjustments will me made during (and after) the implementation process to make sure the agreed outcomes will be guaranteed.

Get in touch or start onboarding

Get in touch with us and contact us by phone: +(31)6-57912496, email us at contact [at] of fill out the quickscan and discover how much value your company can realize. If you are a Digital Nomad and would like to start your onboarding proces, you can use this link. You’ll need al required documents to fulfill the proces succesfully.